3 simple steps to activate your EQS Integrity Line Freemium account!


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Our offering in detail:

  • The EQS Integrity Line Freemium offering by EQS Group comprises the provision of a digital whistleblowing system, including a reporting channel and case management, provided by EQS Group.
  • For European companies with less than 250 employees, EQS Group offers the opportunity to use a free digital whistleblowing platform: EQS Integrity Line Freemium.  
  • EQS Integrity Line Freemium provides a highly secure digital whistleblowing system, including a standardized reporting channel and case management. A detailed description of features is available here. EQS Integrity Line Freemium includes one Named User license for case managers and one language, and is subject to EQS contract terms available at www.eqs.com.

Does your company have more than 249 employees and or requires more than 1 Case Manager and/ or languages or a more customized platform?